Mitten variations

Then she made another mitten, but made the wrist longer and turned up the hem, like the cuff of a hat.

Being a new loom knitter, she had a little trouble with the short rows and flat bind off at the fingertips, so she tried the gathered method instead.

Then she made a mitten on the red loom and felted it. It also had the gathered bind off.

They all turned out well, and she now has a nice stash of PatonsĀ® Rumor yarn she plans to use to make many Christmas gifts of mittens!
I wore a pair of my mittens while out Trick or Treating tonight. They kept my hands comfortable in the 31-degree weather for the three hours we were outside (we had a bonfire after collecting candy on horseback). If you're unsure what size to make the mittens, I would definitely make them on the smaller side!
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